Thursday, March 13, 2008

write, write, write

I haven't written the last few days because I've been busy and boring! My FLP group spent an entire day processing 463 photos of diseased leaves. Then we spent half of yesterday analyzing the data. The project was interesting, we unexpectedly found no increase in disease with plant density. The data were really satisfying, and I was involved in the analysis so I learned a lot. The rest of my time has been consumed with writing -- second and third drafts of 4 papers. I have 2 more days to finish them. It is stress like I remember from finals in college; bolt down your dinner and run back to the computer.

Tomorrow we are all spending the day at Las Alturas, a slightly higher elevation forest site. It's supposed to be a day off; it remains to be seen if I can resist taking my computer along and working until the battery runs out. I could use the break, but if I can get enough work done I'll be able to spend Sunday morning mist-netting with the pros here at Las Cruces. It will be an opportunity to get a close look at birds I would probably never get a glimpse of otherwise -- plus a chance to spend time with new people -- hard to resist! I imagine I'll find a way to make it happen.

It is hard to believe this course is almost over. In spite of the frenzy of writing, most of us are struggling with some melancholy at our impending separation. On a positive note, Amanda and I found out our post-course proposal was approved by OTS. If La Selva and MINAE (Costa Rica's department of the environment and energy, in charge of approving all biological research) give the thumbs up, I'll be back in the lowland rainforest in 4 months! Keep your fingers crossed for us.

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